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Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
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Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Sergio  Rossi  author

Sergio Rossi


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Sergio Rossi ha tre amori: le storie, le scienze e i fumetti. Dopo la laurea in Fisica ha deciso di riunirli lavorando nell’editoria: traduce graphic novel, collabora con giornali e periodici, si occupa di libri scolastici e scrive romanzi e racconti. Ha diretto alcuni marchi editoriali e ha vinto il premio Andersen per il miglior fumetto e il premio Dosi per la divulgazione scientifica.

Tutti i libri dell'autore

L'avventura di Darwin • Gallucci Editore
STEM|+ 11
L'avventura di Darwin
14,50 €
13,78 €