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Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Order here the books you didn't find in the bookstore. Home delivery, 5% discount and free shipping in Italy!
Betti  Greco illustrator

Betti Greco


open the box
Betti Greco è un’illustratrice e graphic designer che lavora nell’ambito dell’editoria e della comunicazione. Il suo linguaggio visivo, colorato e onirico, digitale ma con un solido background pittorico, è in continua sperimentazione. Vive in Salento e tra un lavoro e l’altro ama immergersi nella natura, da cui trae grande ispirazione. La sua matita è il punto di partenza per disegnare avventure e immaginare nuovi mondi!

Tutti i libri dell'autore

I fuoriposto. Il campeggio della luna piena • Gallucci Editore
UAO|+ 11
I Fuoriposto. Dolcetti micidiali • Gallucci Editore
UAO|+ 11
I Fuoriposto. Dolcetti micidiali
13,50 €
12,83 €
I Fuoriposto. La mummia scomparsa • Gallucci Editore
UAO|+ 11
I Fuoriposto. La mummia scomparsa
13,50 €
12,83 €